Nose Piercings

Nose Piercings
Piercings have come a long way. While widely accepted today, it wasn’t always that way. At some point, if you had piercings on your face or body it was because you were part of the outcasts. And today, we are going to talk about a specific type of piercing that entered the mainstream through a group of outcasts that even to this day remain on the fringes of society.
I’m talking, of course, about the Punks and the nose piercing!
Starting in the 70s, the Punk movement started to gain momentum. As this happened, many aspects of the subculture swung over to the mainstream side and slowly but surely became commonplace.
Such is the case of the nose piercing.
There is a wide variety of piercing types and areas of the body in which to place them. The nose piercing is no different, so today we’ll talk a bit about the various types as well as give you some tips to follow if you are thinking about getting a nose piercing in the near future.
With our help, you should be able to pinpoint exactly what type of piercing will match your personality and sense of style.
Something For Everyone
Walk into any piercing parlor, anywhere in the world, and ask them which piercing types are the most popular. Without a doubt, their answer will include nose piercings.
Whether you get a standard nostril piercing or you decide to get a more daring type, such as the septum or bridge, if you pierce your nose then you are joining a historic tradition that spans across cultures.
Although today most cultures that accept piercings recognize them as aesthetic embellishments, in the past nose piercings were a symbol of status or denoted religious and spiritual connotations.
For example, the women of India pierce their noses and connect it to their hair via a gold chain days before their weddings. On the day of the ceremony, the now-husband removes the ring as a way to herald good luck and fortune during their union.
In the West today, nose piercings have evolved to become an indispensable part of fashion sense and gender identity. You will find people from all walks of life with a pierced nose, from your next-door neighbor to musicians, to elite athletes, and everyone in between.
Types of Nose Piercing
There are three major types of nose piercing: These are nostrils, septum, and bridge. Each of these types can be accompanied by other types of piercing to achieve new heights of expression.
Check them out below:
Bridge Piercing
Let’s start at the top (literally).
The Bridge Nose piercing is definitely one of the more daring types of facial piercings out there. Perhaps, for this reason, it is not as common as the other two; however, it is singularly striking.
The Bridge Nose piercing is inserted through the skin that covers the bony bridge of the nose. Most of the time, the piece of jewelry will be a bar placed in a horizontal configuration. In other words, the bridge piercing is placed right between the eyes. A vertical variation, however, exists and is slowly growing in popularity.
Because this type of piercing goes through the skin that is relatively thick, it takes the longest to heal out of all of the common nose piercings. In most cases, if the piercing is performed properly and no complications arise, the healing period will last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks.
Nostril Piercing
Following our path downwards from the bridge of the nose, we arrive at the most popular nose piercing type: the Nostril piercing.
This is what 99% of people think about when they hear the words nose piercing. Because we have two nostrils, you can get a nose piercing on either side of your face. Traditionally, however, women have pierced their left nostrils and men their right nostrils. To be fair, every day more and more people chose to eschew these traditions and pierce whichever side they prefer.
Because nostril piercings are now so common, many people worry that it has become trite or cliche. However, there are ways to give your nostril piercing a twist and make it more unique by using various types of jewelry such as stud, bone, pin, and L-shape.
Septum Piercing
At the bottom of the nose, we find the Septum piercing. The septum is the thin wall that divides one nostril from the other. In humans, the septum is made out of a small segment of cartilage. However, the septum piercing does not typically pierce the cartilaginous tissue, but rather the small hollow or gap that lies between it and the fleshy bottom of the nose.
Septum piercings generally heal quite quickly and in most cases, it will be fully healed after 4 weeks.
Note of warning: People who suffer from regular allergies should refrain from getting their septums pierced to minimize irritation during flare-ups.
As always, when getting your nose pierced, make sure that you’re getting high-quality, surgical-grade metal jewelry. Moreover, to minimize the risk of infection, it is important that everyone involved following all safety and hygienic procedures, such as using sterile equipment, wearing gloves, etc.
Nose piercings are done pretty fast, call for a same day appointment.