Walk In Tattoos and Piercings

Walk-in Tattoos VS. Appointment Tattoos
Tattoos are universal. As an art form that likely started as nothing more than a tribal marking tradition, tattooing has come a very long way. Today it is a common occurrence to see members of every walk of life proudly displaying their tattoos.
Common designs include the names and faces of loved ones, important phrases, iconic imagery, etc. When it comes to modern tattooing, imagination is the limit.
Tattoos no longer carry the stigma they once did and modern society accepts the tattoo as a valid artistic expression. Tattoos are a part of life and they are here to stay.
For that reason, and many others, people who have yet to take the plunge into the world of tattoos have an insatiable hunger for everything tattoo related. Every year the industry grows rapidly thanks to many books being published and reality tv shows premiered.
The purpose of this blog is to educate the masses and spread our love and respect for this timeless tradition. We’ve talked about the history of the art form, we’ve described the various styles and schools that dominate the cultural zeitgeist.
Today we are going to talk about an often ignored aspect of the process behind getting a tattoo. Walk-in tattoos vs. Appointment tattoos.
The Walk-In Tattoo – Can I Get One Of Those?
I always tell people that tattoos should be taken seriously. Careful thought should be put into making the decision to permanently mark your body. After all, your tattoos will likely go to the grave with you.
The more thought you put into your tattoos, as with pretty much everything else in life, the better the results will be and the lower the chances that you will regret your decisions. However, that is not to say that you can’t just walk into your local tattoo shop and bang out a sweet design in a short time.
These are known as Walk-In Tattoos and here are a few things that you must keep in mind when considering to get one.
Walk-In tattoos are generally limited to very simple designs. Why? Because complex tattoos take various sessions to complete. Want a complex full or half sleeve, a portrait, or a photorealistic design? You won’t find tattoo artists who will bang these out in one session.
Walk-in tattoos are almost always small in size for the same reasons. Larger pieces require time and planning. Don’t walk into your local tattoo shop thinking you can walk out with a full-back piece.
Walk-in tattoos need to be done quickly because there are usually several people queuing up for one. Therefore, you should walk in already knowing what you want. You don’t have to have a specific design in mind, but you should, however, have a general idea of what you want to get.
For that reason, learn to embrace your tattoo artist’s flashcards. These are typically contained within a big binder and contain your tattoo artist’s favorite designs. Quick suggestion, don’t bother asking to edit these flash designs as that would defeat their entire purpose.
Finally, be on the lookout for the words Private Studio out front. This typically means that the shop does not take any walk-ins.
Getting a Walk-in Tattoo can be daunting for some people. That is why I always recommend a proper appointment tattoo.
Call Ins
You Can call in which is basically the same as a Walk-In, This is when you call the tattoo shop and ask is they’re busy and have time for a walk in. This can be tricky because walk in tattoos are first come first serve. If you Call in and take a while to het to the shop you risk losing your spot and having to wait in line for the next available Tattooer or Piercer. They cannot “hold” the spot for you without a deposit, if you no show that artist misses out a chance to tattoo and can be skipped in rotation of the other tattooers.
Appointment Tattoo – It’s A Process
Whether it’s your first tattoo ever or the latest one, the information below can make the process of getting some ink flow more smoothly.
Scheduling a proper appointment allows both you and your chosen artist with significantly more leeway and space to thrive. People who schedule a tattoo appointment and take the time to prepare will be much less likely to regret their decision.
Once you choose an artist and settle on a date, there are some things you must do to ensure the best possible experience.
Ideation Phase
The first thing you have to do is choose a design and having an appointment allows you enough time to come up with a custom design. So take this time to think about what you want out of your tattoo. Think about what it is you are trying to accomplish or express through the art.
You can use the time until your appointment to make a sketch of your own or research the possibility of using reference art. Some artists will not outright copy another artist’s design but will be open to take inspiration and come up with a variation of their own.
Depending on your chosen artist, you may even be able to correspond via email and have back and forth brainstorming sessions to come up with the perfect design. During this phase, you can probably determine how many sessions will be needed, how much the piece will cost you, etc.
Remember that booking an appointment will allow you to have as much time as you and your artist need. So take advantage.
Consultation Phase
Sometimes, and especially if you are getting custom work, your artist will ask that you attend a consultation.
The consultation appointment will allow your artist to discuss some important things with your face to face. For example, some common topics to touch upon during a consultation meeting are color schemes, tattoo placement, session duration, etc.
You won’t always have a consultation, but keep in mind that it may be deemed necessary by your artist. If they request one, make sure to honor their request.

Expect to pay a deposit fee when booking an appointment. Most artists will require a deposit fee in order to even add you to their calendars. Don’t worry though, since this deposit will count towards the final payment.
Also keep in mind that if your tattoo warrants several sessions, you will be expected to pay for each session separately as you go.
Final Thoughts
Getting a tattoo involves much more than most people realize, and while it is perfectly acceptable to walk into a tattoo parlor on any given day of the week and simply ask for a walk-in tattoo, you will almost always have better and more personal results if you through the trouble of booking an appointment ahead of time and preparing. For Walk-Ins we usually keep the weekends free so make sure to call us before you head down. Call us at (858) 270-8287