Why Do Tattoos Fade?

In my humble opinion
few things are more visually striking than a brand new tattoo. The way that the ink pops and that every line and highlight plays with the light is quite unique and one of the most exciting phenomena in the world of art. Unfortunately, all tattoos fade over time. Colors will lose their intensity, and lines will blur; this is normal and in no way preventable. After all, our bodies change, and skin, which is our canvas, is constantly regenerating. Additionally, there is now scientific evidence that points to our immune system as a likely culprit behind fading tattoos. With this in mind, it is important to highlight the fact that your personal habits will have an impact on your tattoos permanence. So read below to learn why tattoos fade, and about some things you can do to protect the visual quality of your designs.First Things First
Listen to your tattoo artist! Your tattoo artist understands how ink changes over time. They have experience and you should absolutely respect it. Follow the instructions that your tattoo artist gives you. If they tell you to buy a specific product, there’s probably a good reason for their recommendation. Don’t get yourself a cheap, knock-off version of the product just because it is cheaper. Never ignore your tattoo artist’s advice. They do this for a living and know what they’re doing. You may have friends that will give you advice that contradicts that given by your artist. Your friend may be well-intentioned and speaking from their personal experience. The thing is, your tattoo artist worked on your skin and they likely know how your skin will react to the ink over time. What may be true in your friend’s case may not actually be true in yours. Respect your tattoo artist. I cannot stress this enough. If they tell you to do something, its’ because they understand how doing so will impact your healing process and your tattoos longevity over time. In my experience there are three types of people: Those who ignore their tattoo artist’s recommendation. Those who go above and beyond their artist’s recommendation. Those who do EXACTLY as they are told. Guess which group has the best results?Cleaning
Hygiene is of extreme importance to your tattoo’s permanence. So if you want to do everything in your power to prevent your tattoo from fading prematurely, pay close attention to the tips below. When cleaning your tattoo, remove the plastic film that your artist has placed on your fresh ink. Only do this after the specified time, as doing it too early or too late can alter the quality of your finished product. Wash your hands thoroughly with a mild (balanced pH) antibacterial soap and gently wash your inked skin. Do so at least two to three times a day. This will help you remove dead skin cells and promote healing. After washing, apply a thin layer of the after-care cream or ointment prescribed by your tattoo artist. Hygiene is especially important if you sweat a lot, or if you work in an environment where you are exposed to irritants and contaminants. Putting on too much after-care cream can actually plug your pores and cause a rash to appear. Don’t overdo it.Healing
Healing is a relative process and will vary from one person to the next. Under normal circumstances, your tattoo will heal in one to three weeks’ time, depending on a variety of factors that include your type of skin, how well you clean your tattoo, and whether or not you listen to your tattoo artists recommendation. If you want your tattoo to last a long time, make absolutely sure that your healing process finishes without a hitch. Remember that your tattoo needs to breathe. If you get an infection, there is a high probability that your tattoo’s design will suffer and that its colors will fade prematurely. After your tattoo has healed, applying sunscreen with moisturizer will help keep the colors alive, if applied regularly. Likewise You will get scabs. However, it is important to stop yourself from scratching. If you pick at your scabs and scratch your healing skin, you will end up losing color and definition on your tattoo. Equally important to let your scabs fall off naturally. If applicable, avoid wearing tight clothing over the area. For example, if your tattoo is on your back, avoid wearing a backpack that causes too much friction. The better you care for your tattoo, the faster that it will heal, and the better results you will have over time. If you want the colors and lines of your tattoo to survive the test of time, you need to make sure that it heals properly.How About Showering?
You can shower after getting a tattoo, but exactly when you are allowed to do so will depend on the type of bandage that your tattoo artist has applied. For example, certain types of bandages are waterproof. Ask your tattoo artist if they use waterproof bandages as these will allow you to shower right away. Some types, like cling wrap, will require that you wait up to 12 hours before you are allowed to shower. Once you are allowed to shower, it is important that you use mild soaps and scrub very gently. Avoid scrubbing with a loofah at all costs, if you want to avoid premature fading of your tattoos. Remember that your tattoo is, in essence, an open wound. Wait, at least, two to three weeks before swimming in a pool or going to the beach. The chlorine in pools and the salt from the sea can severely irritate your skin and cause inflammation that damages your ink.What About Sunbathing?
Avoid tanning. Avoid sunbathing. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can be very damaging to your tattoo. Even if you cover your tattoo for the first two weeks, UV rays can penetrate various types of material and still affect your tattoo. It will always be better to entirely avoid the sun while your tattoo is healing. Even beyond the healing process, think of the sun as your tattoos number one enemy. The more sun that your skin is exposed to, the more quickly that tattoo ink will fade. If your tattoo is going to be exposed to sunlight, use plenty of high SPF sunscreen to improve its permanence.The Bottom Line Is That You Need To Take Care Of Your Skin
Even after your tattoo has healed, the more you take care of your skin and the healthier it is, the more vivid your tattoo will remain as time passes. This means that you must practice good hygiene, proper hydration, and protection from the sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays. The better care you take of your skin, the longer that your tattoo will last. Call us if you need more help or stop by if you’re in the San Diego area.Above All Tattoo
1142 Garnet Ave
San Diego, CA 92109
woodyone posted at 2021-12-12
Category: General Shop News